Products > KlimaPhalt
Cool our cities with KlimaPhalt
"Road contractor Lutz Weiler has developed a pavement that absorbs water and allows it to evaporate. The pavement is also lighter than usual, so it is solar reflective and stays cooler."
"At these high temperatures, the road surface in particular heats up considerably. In Offenbach, a road is now being built with a completely new type of asphalt: It stores water and provides a cooling effect when it evaporates."
How it works
KlimaPhalt - modern road construction - close to nature, like a field !
KlimaPhalt is not just a light-colored surface course, KlimaPhalt is currently being developed to create a system for the modern urban road to provide urban heat islands.
Features and benefits:
- solar reflective
- water permeable
- water retentive
- produces evaporative cooling
- reduces noise
- filters microplastic
- relieves the sewerage system
- reduces flooding

- 2 cm solar reflecting, water-permeable surface coating CreaPhalt
- 10 cm - 20 cm (depending on future loads) bituminous, water-permeable base layer
- Unbound, water-permeable base layer (2-32 mm), in which the voids are filled with water-storing materials (perlites). In dry periods, the stored rainwater is released, resulting in evaporative cooling and the cooling of the environment.
- microplastic filter